EUCEN | annual conference Utrecht May 31 – June 2, 2023

EUCEN 2023
University Continuing Education with Impact:
The power of connection!
Utrecht University is organising the annual EUCEN* conference from Wednesday, May 31st to Friday, June 2nd. EUCEN is the international network for higher education institutions that are interested in Continuing Education and Development.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers!
Continuing Education is a hot topic – ranging from individual learning accounts to discussions regarding the social responsibility of higher education institutions to the development of European universities. A lot is happening and at a high pace. Based on recent developments in Europe, the Netherlands, and in particular Utrecht University, we discuss the changing position of University Continuing Education (UCE) in society. Additionally, we explore the future of UCE, where the focus might be less on completing courses and receiving (academic) diplomas, but more on becoming a knowledge partner in a learning network together with a variety of actors.
Confirmed keynote speakers who will share their expertise during EUCEN 2023 are:
- Joost Korte, Director-General, European Union, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL).
- Hester Bijl, Rector Magnificus Leiden University and Chairman of the National LLO-Catalyst.
- Marian Thunissen, Leading Lecturer at the Fontys Knowledge Centre for Lifelong Development
- Tanja van der Lippe, Professor of Sociology of Households and Labour Relations, Utrecht University.
- Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus Utrecht University
- Wieger Bakker, Dean Lifelong Learning Utrecht University
Share your expertise with colleagues from all of Europe at EUCEN 2023! Abstracts can be submitted until January 30, 2023. We are looking for a variety of knowledge contributions, such as abstracts which provide a scientifically sound contribution to UCE, or best practices in facilitating UCE within higher education institutions.
We therefore call on everyone, from researchers to administrative personnel to professionals to share best practices, interesting research results or educational opportunities for improvement. The deadline for submissions is on January 30, 2023!
Registration for participation of EUCEN 2023 is now possible. Anyone who registers before April 16, 2023, will receive an early bird discount!